Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Susan Boyle of Asia

Y'all know who SuBo is but "Little Fatty" here ain't no slouch either. Check it out! Looks like we have ourselves the next Youtube phenonmenon.


  1. Why? Now don't just look at one's appearance, Fiona.

  2. Would you believe it, I like this more than Dolly's and Whitney's earlier versions. What a phenomenal voice he's got. He must have made it through to round 3 - did he?

  3. Wow, he's got a good voice alright. Are people too superficial nowadays? It's hard to determine what is attractive and what is not anymore. I mean who determines who is good looking or not anyway?

  4. Er...don't really know, bro, but I'm pretty much sure he made it. Funny, a lot of people did compare him favorably to Whitney and Dolly.
