Monday, April 5, 2010

Wow, this brought me to tears

A truly touching story of love if there ever was one. Check out this Youtube phenonmenon. Makes good teaching material, too.


  1. All very nice but lions belong on a reserve. Likewise tigers. In Kanchanaburi in Thailand there is a tiger temple where fools can go and pet tigers. A friend of mine saw a tiger effortlessly lift a cow in its jaws. The solution, a nice big island all to themselves and parachute in certain undesirables such as politicians, bankers, Lady Gaga and such like. That way the tigers and lions are preserved as a species.

  2. Lady Gaga? Why her/him? We should parachute unwanted students, too.

    I wouldn't want to pet a lion, no matter how tame he looks. Only fools would do that.

    How has your Easter been, by the way?

  3. I did see a chained tiger at the Crocodile Farm in Bangkok. I am guessing that the poor tiger was drugged up to the eyeballs. When it saw me it flashed its eyes and that is about all that it could do. My friend who saw the tiger carry a cow was in Bangladesh, the mangrove swamps are very inhospitable places, so the tigers get left alone. The mangrove swamps are a unique place as this is the only place on Earth where the mangroves attempt to colonize the sea and the mudskippers attempt to colonize the land. This particular area has a very diverse wildlife. Further it is an area that is threatened by encroachment. Usually rain forests and coral reefs are by their nature remote, mangrove swamps are not and are therefore vulnerable. Likewise wetlands are vulnerable as they are potentially prime real estate. My personal opinion is that it should be prime real estate for wildlife.

  4. You mean you were actually there? Damn man, that's so far out. Wish we had places like that in Hong Kong. We did have tigers once, you know, but the last one was killed in the 50s, I believe.

  5. I watched this video two years ago but I wondered whether it was true or not. Now I believe it's real. Oh, I have a little lion. Hehe. he's lying beside me now. So cute!!

  6. This is disturbing. You actually think your pussy cat's a lion.
